Irish Belgian Blue Producer Group


The Irish Belgian Blue Cattle Society has set up a producer group in conjunction with Ashbourne Meats Roscrea, in which a 5-cent bonus will be paid for Belgian Blue cross cattle which fit the criteria.
The desired spec cattle are very easy to achieve on most beef farms when correct feeding practices are implemented. High Maize rations are essential to achieve adequate fat scores. BBX cattle have proven themselves as extremely efficient feed converters and the high kill outs which they achieve contribute to a very healthy profit margin. These cattle can be fattened with absolutely zero feet problems on slats.
Ashbourne meats are seeking minimum U & E grade BBX Bulls with an upper limit 500kg carcass and a fat score 2+.
BBX Heifers are to be minimum R+ to E grade with an ideal carcass weight of 360kg-400kg with an ideal fat score of 3.

The attached bulls are a prime example of the type of animal we are seeking. These cattle are generally the type which are not quite up to the live export market as weanlings. This scheme provides a very profitable alternative option for these cattle.
The Irish Belgian Blue Cattle Society will be hosting a farm walk and sign up day in the very near future. For more info on the scheme, please contact Sean on 0872023933